Henan Roady Road Machinery Go Abroad

慧聪工程机械网   2008-11-13 14:54   来源:慧聪工程机械网

HenanRoadyRoadMachineryGoAbroad 点击此处查看全部新闻图片 Henan Roady Road Machinery Company Inc.,an asphalt mixing plant manufacturer with over a decade of professional experience,has been gaining st



Henan Roady Road Machinery Company Inc.,an asphalt mixing plant manufacturer with over a decade of professional experience,has been gaining strength for overseas marketing through over a decade of development,and has made its products present in 12 countries in a short period,including Vietnam,India,Pakistan and Indonesia in Southeast Asia,Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,Uzbekistan and Russia in Central Asia,Lebanon and UAE in the Middle East,Algeria and Sudan in Africa,etc.

For example,the client from Lebanon was dubious of Roady and its products at the beginning of 2007,because they had used German products only before,but they eventually chose Roady's products following visits to many of its Chinese counterparts and inspection of the operation site of Roady's equipment. The installation and test of the equipment coincided with the outbreak of local conflicts,with guns thundering around,but Roady honored its commitment to complete installation and test. After equipment delivery,the client was much satisfied with Roady's products and services as the equipment output soared to 140t/h from an originally designed 120t/h,saying in the letter of thanks,“We are pleased to have purchased the equipment from you,which are working in good condition and the mixture produced by it is of high quality,thank you very much for the great efforts of your excellent engineers,we believe 'Roady' is a good brand,and we want to be your agent to demonstrate the impressive set of operating equipment to more people...? Almost all foreign clients that had purchased equipment from Roady spoke highly of our excellent after services as well as reliable and stable products,and expressed their strong wishes for further cooperation with us. There are many examples as such,in particular,Central Asian countries including Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan have imported many asphalt mixing plants from Roady for their infrastructural construction,thus demonstrating the favorable image of Chinese manufacturing.

Since 2008,Roady has presented “8S” services to clients from both home and abroad to meet clients?demands to the maximum in their interests. It will continue serving the field of global road construction with the faith of "being expert in asphalt mixing plants and serving clients heart and soul?and the goal of maximizing benefits for clients.




  • 挖掘机械
  • 铲土运输
  • 起重机械
  • 混凝土
  • 压实机械
  • 路面机械
  • 桩工机械
  • 工业车辆
  • 高空作业
  • 凿岩机械
  • 掘进机械
  • 农业机械


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