沃尔沃卡车联袂国家地理 开启推动亚洲进步之旅

慧聪工程机械网   2014-05-07 15:02   来源:慧聪工程机械网

——沃尔沃卡车全新系列发布激发亚洲360°旅程 2014年5月5日,世界领先的重型卡车制造商——沃尔沃卡车,与《国家地理频道》联袂推出《亚洲360°》活动,开启了从新加坡至韩国的一趟进步之旅,诠释出沃尔沃卡车关于推



沃尔沃卡车联袂国家地理 开启推动亚洲进步之旅

用户可以进入官方网站http://perspectivesofprogress.com/#!/zh,了解三位杰出人物的精彩故事, 360°全景领略亚洲最迷人的景色,勾勒出驾驶员们心目中推动进步的含义。



“在全球市场,我们被认可为一个拥有创新精神的品牌,这同样体现在我们的推广方式上。通过《亚洲360°》活动,我们旨在打开一个全新的视野,激励人们,并让所有人了解到,我们自己都能够推动进步并创造明天。” 沃尔沃卡车亚洲的市场推广经理,亚尼克·奥特分享道。



这趟旅行自新加坡开启,第一位主人公是Sherilyn Lim,她是东南亚顶级的女性综合格斗选手,在到达曼谷之前,第二位主人公亚洲伤害预防基金会的创始人Greig Craft已在泰国发起一场安全活动。最后,亚洲之旅到达北京, OPEN建筑事务所的联合创始人李虎,分享了他重塑中国城市景观的决心。李虎专访:《沃尔沃卡车呈献亚洲360º - 进步大视野》 详情请登录>>



即日起至2014年6月13日,网友可通过Facebook或微博分享这次活动信息并且标题 #Volvo360,就有机会赢得双人新加坡免费周末之旅!

Volvo Trucks partners National Geographic to map out perspectives of progress in Asia

Launch of new truck range inspires a 360° journey through Asia via microsite

Regional,5th May 2014 – Volvo Trucks,one of the world’s leading producers of heavy trucks,partners the National Geographic Channel to roll out their Asia 360° campaign today. In the lead up to the Asia launch of their new truck range in May,Volvo Trucks shines the spotlight on various perspectives of progress,and embarks on a virtual journey from Singapore to South Korea.

Users can follow through a dedicated microsite,http://perspectivesofprogress.com/#!/zh,which features the stories of three inspiring personalities,as well as a collection of stunning 360° panoramic shots of some of Asia’s most exciting locations – mapping out diverse perspectives of progress!

Elisabeth Larsson,Vice President for Vehicle Sales and Marketing at Volvo Trucks in Asia,elaborates,”At Volvo Trucks,we are all about driving progress,for our customers and also for society at large,which we have been a part of in Asia since almost 80 years ago. We want to demonstrate that our commitment is not one-sided,but holistic,and that the innovation in our products comes with a greater purpose.”

The new Volvo truck range is specifically designed to meet the needs of customers and their business challenges with improved technology. Set to redefine standards in transportation,the new range features the Volvo FH as their flagship product model,which has been awarded International Truck of the Year 2014 and also won a prestigious red dot as well as If award for its product design.

"Globally,we are recognized as an innovative brand,which is also reflected in our communication measures. With the Asia 360° campaign,we want to open new views. We want to inspire people,make them see how we all can drive progress and shape our tomorrow,” shares Yannick Ott,Marketing Communications Manager at Volvo Trucks in Asia.

Showcase of contributors to progress in Asia

Asia 360° showcases the different perspectives of progress in Asia through the eyes of three outstanding personalities,as well as some breathtaking 360° views that the region has to offer. The personalities represent how progress is at the heart of Asia and where they have a common vision with Volvo Trucks: care for the society and a desire for progress and growth.

Starting the journey in Singapore,the first personality featured is Sherilyn Lim,Southeast Asia’s top female Mixed Martial Arts fighter,before heading to Bangkok,where Greig Craft,founder of Asia Injury Prevention,has pioneered a safety movement in Thailand. Finally,the journey gets to Beijing,where Li Hu,founding partner of OPEN Architecture,shares his dedication to re-engineer and re-invent China’s cityscape. Interview video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzA3MjMzODA4.html

The picturesque views of Singapore,Kuala Lumpur,the Mekong River in Laos,Wuhan and Shanghai wrap up the epic journey across Asia with stunning captures of progress that encourage exploring every single angle.

Share to win a trip to Singapore

Online users are encouraged to share the journey via their Facebook or Weibo social platforms,tagging with #Volvo360 from today till 13th June 2014. A lucky winner will get to bring a friend for an all-expenses paid weekend in Singapore! Visit http://perspectivesofprogress.com/#!/zh to start the virtual exploration.




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