
慧聪工程机械网   2017-04-12 14:35   来源:慧聪工程机械网

作为三台设备订单中的其中之一,巴西的第500台科尼 Liftace正面吊将交付至Brado Logistica S/A(Brado)公司。这台机器型号为TFC 45 H,被誉为巴西的首选正面吊。

作为三台设备订单中的其中之一,巴西的第500台科尼 Liftace正面吊将交付至Brado Logistica S/A(Brado)公司。这台机器型号为TFC 45 H,被誉为巴西的首选正面吊。


新设备通过科尼当地经销商Equipamentos para portosLTDA(Equiport)售出,将使Brado公司能够应对不断增长的市场所带来的挑战。这台TFC 45 H正面吊将与规模更大的TFC 46 LSX正面吊一同交付至Brado位于巴西中部马托格罗索州龙多诺波利斯的多式联运码头。第三台TFC 45H正面吊,将交付至Brado位于圣保罗西北250公里阿拉拉奎垃的集装箱码头,供其运营。


Brado的维护经理Luiz Elia解释道:“我们在巴西各地的码头正成功运营着十台科尼 Liftace正面吊。配备了这三台新设备,我们的搬运能力将大大提升。轴距较长的TFC 46 LSX更加稳定,6.4米的起重能力达到36吨,因而成为服务两条铁路路线的理想之选,同时有助于我们拓展在龙多诺波利斯的业务,那里我们每日需要处理至少一列火车的搬运情况。”

配备了新设备之后,Brado将一如既往地信赖这些高效、经济的正面吊。这些机器便于操作和维护,在巴西运用广泛。Equiport常务董事Elisio Garcia Jr.说道:“我们的科尼Liftace销售史长达20多年,令我们感到自豪的是,如今TFC 45 H正面吊在巴西已是装运全标准集装箱的首选。客户对这台坚实耐用的正面吊以及可靠耐久的其他科尼Liftace机器赞不绝口。”

科尼Liftace系列包括八台正面吊和空箱堆高机。“在巴西,所有科尼Liftace机器均由Equiport经销,该公司是我们在全球业绩出众的经销商之一。第500台正面吊的交付再次印证了我们合作成功,今后Equiport还将经销我们科尼叉车产品系列。因此,我们的巴西客户将能够通过Equiport使用这两台物有所值的Konecranes Liftace设备,将性能卓著的定制智能型叉车收获囊中。”科尼叉车事业部销售和市场总监Andreas Falk总结到。



科尼是世界领先的起重机专业制造商(Lifting Businesses™),所服务的客户范围广大,包括制造业和流程工业、造船厂、港口和码头。科尼公司提供能够增强生产能力的起重解决方案,以及为所有品牌起重设备提供维修保养服务。集团在50个国家开设了600个分支机构,员工达18000人。科尼A类股已在赫尔辛基的纳斯达克证券交易所上市。(股票代码:KCR)


As part of an order including a total of three machines,the 500th Konecranes Liftace Reach Stacker in Brazilis going to Brado Logistica S/A (Brado). The jubilarian is a TFC 45 H,and considered to be the number one reach stacker choice in Brazil.


The new machines,sold through Konecranes’ local distributor Equipamentos para portos LTDA (Equiport),will enable Brado to face the challenges of a constantly growing market. Together with a larger TFC 46 LSX reach stacker,the TFC 45 H will be delivered to Brado’s intermodal terminal in Rondonopolis,in the Central-Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. The third machine,another TFC 45 H,will instead be operating at Brado’s container terminal in Araraquara,250 km northwest of Säo Paulo.


Luiz Elia,Maintenance Manager,Brado explains “In our terminals all over Brazil,we already successfully operate ten Konecranes Liftace Reach Stackers. With these three new machines we will substantially extend our handling capabilities. The TFC 46 LSX with its longer wheel base provides high stability and offers a lifting capacity of 36 tonnes at 6.4 meters. This makes it an ideal reach stacker to work at two railway line sand will help us to accelerate our operations in Rondonopolis,where we are handling at least one train per day.”

With the new machines,Brado continues to rely on productive and economical reach stackers,which are simple to operate and maintain and enjoy a high popularity in Brazil. Elisio Garcia Jr.,Executive Director,Equiport says “We have sold Konecranes Liftace machines for more than 20 years,and are proud that the TFC 45 H reach stacker is today the number one choice for the handling of full standard containers in Brazil. Customers appreciate above all the reliability and durability of this robust reach stacker as well as of other Konecranes Liftace machines.”

The Konecranes Liftace family includes eight reach stackers and empty container handlers respectively. ”All Konecranes Liftace machines in Brazil are marketed by Equiport,who is one of our most proven dealers around the globe. The 500th reach stacker confirms our successful collaboration,and Equiport will from now on also distribute the products of our Konecranes Lift Truck product line. Thus,our Brazilian customers will,via Equiport,have access to both the value for money Konecranes Liftace machines,and to a smart range of customized lift trucks for optimized performance.” concludes Andreas Falk,Sales & Marketing Director of Konecranes Lift Trucks.

For More Information,Visit www.kclifttrucks.com

About Konecranes

Konecranes is a world-leading group of Lifting Businesses™,serving a broad range of customers,including manufacturing and process industries,shipyards,ports and terminals. Konecranes provides productivity enhancing lifting solutions as well as services for lifting equipment of all makes. The Group has 18,000 employees at 600 locations in 50 countries. Konecranes class A shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki (symbol: KCR).




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