
慧聪工程机械网   2021-10-11 15:01   来源:卡尔玛

Cargotec 旗下的 Kalmar 已与印度尼西亚PT 达成交易。Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (PT. RAPP) 是领先的纸浆和造纸生产商 APRIL 集团的运营部门,将提供两台新一代卡尔马零排放轮胎龙门起重机 (RTG)、两台卡尔马空集

Cargotec 旗下的 Kalmar 已与印度尼西亚PT 达成交易。Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (PT. RAPP) 是领先的纸浆和造纸生产商 APRIL 集团的运营部门,将提供两台新一代卡尔马零排放轮胎龙门起重机 (RTG)、两台卡尔马空集装箱堆高机和一台卡尔马其位于印度尼西亚布阿坦港的集装箱码头的 正面吊。该订单是在 Cargotec 的 2021 年第三季度订单中预订的,交付计划于 2022 年第三季度完成。

Kalmar, part of Cargotec, has concluded a deal with PT. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (PT. RAPP), the operating arm of leading pulp and paper producer APRIL Group, to supply two new-generation Kalmar Zero Emission Rubber-Tyred Gantry cranes (RTGs), two Kalmar Essential Empty Container Handlers and a Kalmar Essential Reachstacker for its container terminal at the Port of Buatan in Indonesia. The order was booked in Cargotec's Q3 2021 order intake with delivery scheduled to be completed in Q3 2022.


卡尔玛零排放 RTG 采用 100% 电力系统,从源头上不产生排放或发动机噪音,完全消除了对液压油的需求。其简化的设计意味着它比柴油动力 RTG 需要的维护要少得多。


卡尔玛亚太区销售副总裁Daniel Ho:“我们与 RAPP 的合作不断加强,我们很高兴他们选择使用我们的全电动起重机和 Essential 移动设备来扩大他们的车队。卡尔玛零排放 RTG 是希望显着减少碳排放的企业的理想选择,我们的新一代起重机提供智能、优化的解决方案,采用更坚固、模块化、更轻和更简单的设计,使其更具生态效率和成本效益并且更易于维护。

Daniel Ho, Vice President, Sales, Kalmar Asia-Pacific: “Our collaboration with RAPP has gone from strength to strength, and we are pleased that they have chosen to expand their fleet with our all-electric cranes and Essential mobile equipment. Kalmar Zero-Emission RTGs are ideal for businesses that want to significantly reduce their carbon footprint, and our new generation cranes offer an intelligent, optimised solution with a stronger, modular, lighter and simpler design, making them even more eco-efficient, cost effective and easier to maintain.




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