
慧聪工程机械网   2021-11-26 11:13   来源:港口装卸机械

该设备是一款 Flow Drive(HVT 液压机械可变变速器)正面吊,配备 Optima 驾驶室和启动/停止功能,可减少发动机空转的时间。智能系统与 Work Zone(一种可提高安全性和效率的地理围栏功能)和 Truconnect Premium 集成,后者将轮胎压力和震动传感器添加到卡车使用情况的远程和近乎实时的视图中,以便更轻松地进行操作和维护计划。

The landmark machine, a SMV 4632 TC5 reach stacker, was handed over to leading vodka producer The Absolut Company at the Konecranes Lift Trucks assembly plant in Markaryd as part of a small ceremony on 18 November

该设备是一款 Flow Drive(HVT 液压机械可变变速器)正面吊,配备 Optima 驾驶室和启动/停止功能,可减少发动机空转的时间。智能系统与 Work Zone(一种可提高安全性和效率的地理围栏功能)和 Truconnect Premium 集成,后者将轮胎压力和震动传感器添加到卡车使用情况的远程和近乎实时的视图中,以便更轻松地进行操作和维护计划。

The machine is a Flow Drive (HVT hydro-mechanical variable transmission) reach stacker with Optima cabin and a Start/Stop function to reduce the amount of time the engine spends idling. Smart systems integrate with Work Zone, a geofencing feature for safety and efficiency, and Truconnect Premium, which adds tyre pressure and shock sensors to a remote and almost real-time view of truck usage, for easier operations and maintenance planning.

它将由 Absolut 在其位于瑞典南部 Åhus 的生产设施中运营,使用 HVO100 无化石燃料(在使用点),以在现场周围移动设备、原材料和成品。

It will be operated by Absolut, at its production facility in Åhus in southern Sweden, on HVO100 fossil-free (at point of use) fuel, to move equipment, raw materials and finished product around the site.

科尼从 1995 年 7 月开始制造重型正面吊,最初是 SMV Lifttrucks AB,直到 2004 年该业务被科尼收购。Absolut 是 SMV 的第一批客户之一,于 1995 年购买了第一台机器,2004 年成为第一个客户首台二代 ('B') 系列机器下线。

Konecranes has been building heavy lift trucks since July 1995, originally as SMV Lifttrucks AB until the business was acquired by Konecranes in 2004. Absolut was one of SMV’s first customers, acquiring its first machine in 1995, and in 2004 was the first customer for the first second generation (’B’) series machine to come off the assembly line.

Ahus 位于瑞典西南部靠近丹麦的斯科讷,由丹麦代理商 NC Nielsen 为科尼叉车提供承保,科尼承认“这是我们与 Absolut 关系的重要组成部分,并在需要时提供出色的支持。” 科尼叉车技术产品经理 Roger Persson 表示:我们很荣幸 Absolut 和 NC Nielsen 共同参与这一历史性时刻。”

Ahus is in Skåne, in southwest Sweden close to Denmark, and is covered for Konecranes Lift Trucks by the Denmark-based agent N C Nielsen, which Konecranes acknowledges "as a significant part of our relationship with Absolut, and has provided excellent support whenever needed." Roger Persson, Technical Product Manager for Konecranes Lift Trucks, said: We’re honoured to have both Absolut and N C Nielsen share in this historic occasion.”

Absolut 仓库经理 Harri Tossavainen 表示:“科尼提供最高质量的本地生产设备,并且他们帮助我们在紧迫的时间表下保持生产力超过二十年。这一高标准将继续下去,因为新的环保 Flow Drive 与我们对环境和可持续性的长期承诺非常吻合,并将在我们到 2030 年使我们的产品实现气候中和的旅程中发挥关键作用。”

Harri Tossavainen, Warehouse Manager for Absolut, said: “Konecranes provides locally-produced equipment of the highest quality, and they have helped us to maintain our productivity under tight schedules for over two decades. This high standard continues as the new eco-friendly Flow Drive aligns well with our long-term commitment to environment and sustainability, and will play a key part in our journey to make our products climate-neutral by 2030.”




  • 挖掘机械
  • 铲土运输
  • 起重机械
  • 混凝土
  • 压实机械
  • 路面机械
  • 桩工机械
  • 工业车辆
  • 高空作业
  • 凿岩机械
  • 掘进机械
  • 农业机械


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