South Africa – June 23 –LiuGong South Africa held its first Chinese
Customer Day. Over 30 customers from industries such as infrastructure and
mining attended the event.
Pu Yonghua, the Sales Manager of LiuGong Southern Africa region, elaborated
on LiuGong's 65-year history, product line development, as well as the mission
and vision newly released this year. Zhang Yi, the Industry Customer Manager of
LiuGong South Africa, presented LiuGong's solutions to the customers.
Subsequently, the customers visited LiuGong South Africa, listened to the
machine walk-around, and gained further understanding of LiuGong's product
此次活动别出心裁。定制的咖啡纸杯,融合端午节元素的“柳工竹船拼盘” 和现场展示的趣味文案,让客户充分感受到了柳工的品牌魅力。
This event was creatively organized, and customers were able to fully
experience the brand charm of LiuGong through custom-designed coffee cups,
interesting texts, and special "LiuGong bamboo boat platters" specially created
for the Dragon Boat Festival.