
慧聪工程机械网   2024-06-14 17:16   来源:恒旺集团






With the arrival of summer, bulldozers are prone to various malfunctions in high-temperature and high-humidity environments, making maintenance work particularly important. Here are some key maintenance tips to help you keep your equipment in optimal condition during the scorching summer days.


First and foremost, inspecting the cooling system is crucial. In high-temperature environments, the cooling system bears increased loads, which can easily lead to engine overheating. Therefore, it is essential to regularly check the coolant level and concentration to ensure they are within the normal range. Additionally, inspect the cooling system's hoses for any signs of leakage or aging, and replace them promptly if necessary.


Secondly, cleaning the air and oil filters is also a key aspect of summer maintenance. During the summer, dust levels are higher, and the air and oil filters can easily become clogged, affecting the normal operation of the engine. Regularly clean or replace the filters to ensure they are unobstructed, preventing engine damage due to poor filtration.


Checking the battery and electrical circuits is equally important. High temperatures can accelerate battery aging and electrolyte evaporation. Regularly inspect the electrolyte levels in the battery and replenish with distilled water as needed. Additionally, check for any signs of aging, looseness, or damage in the electrical circuits to ensure the electrical system operates normally.


Additionally, lubrication and rust prevention require special attention. With frequent summer rains, bulldozers are prone to moisture and rust. Regularly lubricate all lubrication points, especially bearings, hinges, and transmission parts. Use rust-preventive oil on exposed metal components to prevent rust-related mechanical failures.



Checking the tires and tracks is equally important. High-temperature surfaces can accelerate the aging and wear of tires and tracks. Regularly check tire pressure to ensure it is within the normal range, and inspect the tracks for wear or looseness, making adjustments or replacements as necessary.

Finally, keeping the bulldozer clean is also crucial for ensuring its proper operation. Regularly clean both the exterior and interior of the bulldozer, especially the radiator and engine compartment. Cleaning effectively prevents the accumulation of dust and debris, ensuring proper heat dissipation and operation of the equipment.



During summer operations, try to avoid long periods of continuous work. Take regular breaks to prevent engine overheating. When operating in high-temperature environments, operators should take precautions to stay cool and hydrated, ensuring their own safety.

In conclusion, summer maintenance of bulldozers is crucial. It not only extends the equipment's lifespan but also enhances work efficiency and ensures safe production. We hope these maintenance tips will help everyone carry out summer bulldozer maintenance effectively, ensuring the equipment continues to operate efficiently in the hot summer months






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