
慧聪工程机械网   2024-12-31 09:40   来源:山推国际


In September 2001, Shantui TY320C bulldozer came off the production line

smoothly in the test workshop, marking that Shantui series bulldozers have

reached a new level in technical performance and structural modeling. The

launching of this bulldozer is not only an affirmation of Shantui's past

technical accumulation, but also a powerful demonstration of future innovation

and development.


Looking back, TY320C bulldozer from research and development to production,

and then to testing and commissioning, every link is the hard work of the team

members. After putting into the market, this bulldozer quickly emerged in the

market with its excellent performance and a wide range of application scenarios,

and won a good reputation and wide recognition for Shantui.


In recent years, Shantui has accelerated the pace of product upgrading and

technology upgrading, and continued to improve its independent innovation

capability. In terms of assisting construction and providing integrated

intelligent construction solutions, Shantui has been at the forefront of the

industry. Shantui's products and services are also increasingly becoming

diverse, from the whole machine, components to intelligent construction

solutions, to provide customers with a full range of one-stop service



Standing at a new historical starting point, Shantui will continue to

inherit the classics and lead innovation. In the future, Shantui will continue

to contribute more wisdom and strength to the development of China's heavy

machinery equipment manufacturing industry.




  • 挖掘机械
  • 铲土运输
  • 起重机械
  • 混凝土
  • 压实机械
  • 路面机械
  • 桩工机械
  • 工业车辆
  • 高空作业
  • 凿岩机械
  • 掘进机械
  • 农业机械


机主邦 帮机主 让机主不孤单



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