浴火而生 焕新出发┃泰信董事长辛鹏2025新年贺词

慧聪工程机械网   2024-12-31 16:53   来源:泰信机械





Born from the fire, starting anew. Laying the foundation for TYSIM's new


大家好 ,我是泰信机械的辛鹏,在2025年到来之际,我向大家分享2024年,泰信机械的变化和发展。

Hello everyone, I am Simon from TYSIM. On the occasion of the arrival of

2025, I would like to share with you the changes and development of TYSIM in



In terms of product development


2024 is a year of leapfrog development for TYSIM. We have completed the

research and development and delivery of the full range of Euro V products, from

KR60 to KR360, and have been recognized by international customers. This has

laid the foundation for us to open the high-end markets in Europe, America and

Japan. This year we have also completed the multifunctional design of all the

company's products and have the ability to provide personalized customized

products for customers from all over the world.


In terms of channel construction


After participating in the 2022 Bauma in Germany. In the past two years, we

have built our own domestic marketing service network and built a marketing

service network all over the world. We have achieved good results in different

countries in Southeast Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East, North America, South

America, and Africa, allowing TYSIM's high-quality products to be verified by

professional customers.


In terms of brand building


IIn the 12 years since the establishment of TYSIM, we have participated in

three Germany Bauma exhibition, six Shanghai Bauma exhibition, and dozens of

professional exhibitions in various countries around the world. At the 2024

Shanghai Bauma exhibition, we exhibited TYSIM's latest achievements. Dozens of

countries from all over the world have seen TYSIM's products and progress.

TYSIM's products have been sold to more than 50 countries and regions, allowing

more and more customers to use TYSIM's high-performance products. Brand building

is a long-term task with a long way to go. TYSIM will always be committed to

building an internationally renowned professional pile engineering brand.


In terms of team building


The development of a company is inseparable from a professional team. TYSIM

has not only cultivated its own professional team, but also attracted more and

more outstanding people in the industry to join TYSIM. We have established our

own R&D and manufacturing team, marketing service team, rotary drilling rig

rental team, international trade team, and drilling tool method research team.

With the same aspirations and fighting side by side, we have built a complete

ecological business chain to better create value for customers. In the future,

TYSIM will continue to provide multi-faceted services and contribute to the

development of China's pile engineering industry. We will strive to contribute a

Chinese brand to the international pile engineering industry. Made in China will

surely dominate the world. Let us work together and make progress together!


董事长 辛鹏




  • 挖掘机械
  • 铲土运输
  • 起重机械
  • 混凝土
  • 压实机械
  • 路面机械
  • 桩工机械
  • 工业车辆
  • 高空作业
  • 凿岩机械
  • 掘进机械
  • 农业机械


机主邦 帮机主 让机主不孤单



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