
慧聪工程机械网   2005-02-22 09:20   来源:卡特彼勒网站








PEORIA,Ill -- Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE: CAT) today announced the creation of Caterpillar Global Pipeline,a new division within Caterpillar that will have a global focus on the pipeline construction industry. A new Caterpillar dealership has also been formed to further leverage opportunities in mainline,large-diameter interstate and cross-country limited-duration pipeline construction projects. The new dealer,PipeLine Machinery International,will be responsible for maintaining customer relationships,merchandising purpose-built Caterpillar pipeline products,and providing solution packaging to customers in this industry.

“Global energy demand is driving an increase in worldwide pipeline construction activities,” said Caterpillar Group President Gerry Shaheen. “As customer needs in this industry have changed,Caterpillar is using a more focused approach to provide solutions tailored to the unique product and service needs of this global customer group.”

Caterpillar Global Pipeline will work closely with PipeLine Machinery International to increase the utilization of specialty pipeline equipment while establishing a higher level of focused expertise for all areas of the world. PipeLine Machinery International will work closely with the local territory dealer where a project occurs,and those local dealers will benefit from parts and service,delivery set-up,and rental services related to Caterpillar Global Pipeline business.

“With this approach,Caterpillar is enhancing its distribution network and global support,using our best in class global dealer network to provide a higher level of service to the customers in this unique market,” said Caterpillar Vice President Steve Gosselin.

The Caterpillar Global Pipeline division and PipeLine Machinery International will be headquartered in Houston,Texas,with strategic locations around the world to support customers in the pipeline industry. Caterpillar Global Pipeline will also provide commercial support to PipeLine Machinery International and assure the focus is in alignment with Caterpillar’s worldwide marketing regions and districts,providing support for long duration projects or cooperative efforts between the dealers to meet customer requirements.




  • 挖掘机械
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  • 工业车辆
  • 高空作业
  • 凿岩机械
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  • 农业机械


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