
慧聪工程机械网   2021-11-08 17:22   来源:利勃海尔

Mukran Port Terminals 购买了一台利勃海尔 LHM 550 移动式港口起重机,以在过去一年租赁设备后加入其现有的车队。

Mukran Port Terminals has purchased a Liebherr LHM 550 mobile harbour crane to add to its current fleet after leasing the equipment for the past year.


Revealed in a social media post from Liebherr Maritime Cranes, the purchase demonstrated the performance and flexibility of the multipurpose crane. This is now the third LHM crane owned by the port.


Mukran Port Terminals 董事总经理 Harm Sievers 表示:“凭借新型移动式港口起重机,我们正在巩固我们作为项目货运领域未来业务的多功能港口的地位。”

“With the new mobile harbour crane, we are strengthening our position as a multipurpose port for future business in the project cargo sector,” said Harm Sievers, Managing Director of Mukran Port Terminals.

“We are also taking into account the rapid development of traffic on the New Silk Road via the Mukran Port site as a crucial link. With our trio of Liebherr cranes, we are ideally equipped to meet the increasing demands of the future. The versatility of the LHM 550 fits perfectly with the daily requirements at our terminal.”


Mukran Port offers everything a modern multifunctional port needs on a total area of almost 430 hectares with ferry, rail, multipurpose and offshore terminals as well as extensive production and storage areas.

Located on Rügen - Germany's largest island - Mukran Port benefits in several ways from its exposed location. The port has the shortest sea connections to Sweden, Denmark (Bornholm), Finland, Russia and the Baltic States. The location on the open sea allows an easy port approach without any territorial navigation and compulsory pilotage.

穆克兰港不但能与欧洲铁路系统连接,并且是中欧地区唯一 一个同时装配有标准轨道和宽轨轨道的港口,还可对来自俄罗斯、芬兰等国的宽轨班列进行换轨操作,因此它被称为“跨西伯利亚铁路的西部货运站”。

Mukran Port is the only port in Central Europe to have tracks and handling facilities for Russian and Finnish broad gauge in addition to standard gauge tracks.


Mukran Port is one of the few ports in the Baltic Sea region to offer 170 hectares of commercial and industrial space.




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