柳工 捷克经销商AB Rent举办大型产品演示活动

慧聪工程机械网   2022-02-09 17:38   来源:柳工

1月25至26日,柳工的捷克独家经销商AB Rent在Jedovnická一大型采石场,举办了一场规模宏大的产品演示活动。400多人参加了此次活动,包括操作手、客户和其他工程机械行业嘉宾。

During January 25-26, LiuGong Europe’s exclusive dealer for Czech Republic, AB Rent, has organized a large scope remarkable event in an impressive quarry in Jedovnická. It was the largest event to kick-off the year for LiuGong Europe. The event was all about having the customers try LiuGong machines with 2 days of demos with the attendance of over 400 people including operators, customers and other participants of our industry.



The attendees had the chance to see the first-hand and brand new 924F excavator in action and operate it alongside the great line-up of other LiuGong machines including the 835H, 848H, 856H wheel loaders, 9018F, 9027F, 909ECR, 915FCR and the 936E excavators. The all-new 924F excavator has been very well received by those who have tested it with positive and encouraging comments on its cab comfort, stability, precision of controls and the digging power.

AB Rent与柳工已合作了3年多。在过去的3年里,AB Rent的销售额稳步增长,2021年的销售额同比增长64%。在此大型产品演示活动期间,柳工欧洲公司与AB Rent续签了捷克共和国独家经销商协议,同时指定其为邻国斯洛伐克的独家经销商,进一步拓宽和发展他们的业务,提高柳工品牌在当地的影响力。

The cooperation between AB Rent and LiuGong has started 3 years ago and over the course of the years, sales have been improving impressively with a year over year growth of 64% in 2021. During the event, LiuGong Europe and AB Rent have also signed an extension of the exclusive dealership agreement for Czech Republic and also AB Rent has been appointed as the exclusive dealer for the neighboring country of Slovakia giving them additional territory to further grow their business and the LiuGong brand.




  • 挖掘机械
  • 铲土运输
  • 起重机械
  • 混凝土
  • 压实机械
  • 路面机械
  • 桩工机械
  • 工业车辆
  • 高空作业
  • 凿岩机械
  • 掘进机械
  • 农业机械


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