柳工亮相土耳其Komatek 2022展览会

慧聪工程机械网   2022-03-16 09:35   来源:柳工国际

3月9日至13日,土耳其最大的工程机械行业展会——第16届土耳其国际建筑机械、技术和设备贸易展览会(Komatek 2022)在其南部城市安塔利亚举行。柳工当地独家经销商Uygunlar公司,携13款产品参展。

During 9-13 March, Uygunlar, LiuGong Europe's exclusive dealer for Turkey,has attended Turkey's largest construction equipment show – Komatek 2022 – that was held in Antalya.


Uygunlar has displayed 13 different models of LiuGong machines in a 500㎡

area, including the new 9018F alongside of a range of excavators, wheel loaders

and the 4215D motor grader and 2 forklift models.


The all-new 9018F has been well received by those who have taken a detailed

look and commented on its cab for its high comfort and visibility for this class

of mini excavator.

Hakan Ilhan

柳工欧洲公司副总裁 / Vice President of LiuGong Europe


Uygunlar have done a good job in building a solid customer base for

LiuGong's products and supporting the brand growth. We are working diligently

together to increase our market share.


The cooperation between Uygunlar and LiuGong started over 10 years ago and

the dealership agreement covers Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia. With the

increasing machines delivered last year in these markets, Uygunlar has proven to

be a long-term successful business partner for LiuGong.


In 2002, LiuGong put forward the globalization strategy. Since then,

LiuGong has had nearly 30 overseas subsidiaries & offices, 4 overseas

manufacturing plants and 5 R&D bases spreading across the world. More than

300 dealers provide LiuGong products and services to the customers in over 170

countries & regions. 2022 marks LiuGong's 20th anniversary of the overseas

business operation. Guided by the reform of building a world-class enterprise

with global competitiveness, LiuGong will continue to actively build a

synergistic global strategic partnership across the entire value chain by firmly

promoting the "Total Globalization, Total Solution and Total Intelligent"





  • 挖掘机械
  • 铲土运输
  • 起重机械
  • 混凝土
  • 压实机械
  • 路面机械
  • 桩工机械
  • 工业车辆
  • 高空作业
  • 凿岩机械
  • 掘进机械
  • 农业机械


机主邦 帮机主 让机主不孤单



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