
慧聪工程机械网   2022-11-11 18:09   来源:远程汽车

2022年11月11日,远程新能源商用车旗下面向城市场景千变VAN化的全新物种——远程超级VAN收获首笔海外订单。新加坡Visionary Auto公司订购一千台远程超级VAN用于新加坡地区销售,并与远程新能源商用车约定共同完成超级VAN新加坡认证以及右舵车型的开发。远程超级VAN首笔海外订单签约仪式已于浙江杭州成功举办,远程新能源商用车集团副总裁林明世、新加坡Visionary Auto公司总经理陆斌等出席并见证此次订单签约仪式。

2022 Novermber 11th, Hangzhou, China. Farizon Auto, the new energy commercial vehicle brand established by Geely Holding Group, announced the first overseas sales of its newly launched product, Farizon SuperVAN, in Singapore. A signing ceremony was held with Singapore’s Visionary International Auto Pte for the sales of 1000 SuperVANs. According to the agreement, Farizon and Visionary will jointly apply for related Singaporean certifications and develop the right-hand drive systems for SuperVan. Mingshi Lin, Vice President of Farizon New Energy Commercial Vehicle Group and Bin Lu, General Manager of Visionary International Auto Pte witnessed the signing.

远程新能源商用车集团副总裁林明世表示:“此次首批订单签约仪式的举行,是远程新能源商用车与Visionary Auto公司的强强联手,也是远程研发成果与Visionary Auto市场经验的深度结合,将大大加快新加坡市场新一代商用车生态体系的建设。”

"This cooperation is an integration of Farizon’s pioneering technological strength and Visionary’s abundant market resources. Together, we will accelerate the improvement of green intelligent commercial vehicle ecosystem in Singapore," stated Mingshi Lin, Vice President of Farizon New Energy Commercial Vehicle Group.

Visionary Auto公司总经理陆斌表示:“Visionary Auto将为远程超级VAN在新加坡地区的销售提供充足的客户资源与独特的销售方案,并以此次订单签约仪式为契机,与远程新能源商用车共同开创新能源商用车在海外尤其是新加坡、东南亚地区的新篇章。”

"Visionary will provide sufficient customer resources and strategic planning for the sales of Farizon SuperVAN in Singapore. With this cooperation, Visionary will join hands with Farizon to promote the global expansion of new energy commercial vehicles, especially in Singapore and in Southeast Asia," said Bin Lu, General Manager of Visionary International Auto Pte.

新加坡Visionary Auto公司是一家集物流运输、汽车零部件贸易等业务的集团公司。其业务主要覆盖东南亚地区,客户群体涵盖新加坡石油、埃克森美孚、壳牌、巴斯夫等知名品牌。

Focused on logistics transportation and vehicle component business, Visionary International Auto Pte mainly serves the Southeast Asian market. Visionary’s clients include famous international corporations such as Singapore Petroleum Company, Exxon Mobil, Shell and BASF. 


On November 7th, Farizon launched its brand new electric cargo van product, SuperVAN, on its annual brand event. Developed on Farizon’s Geely Multi-purpose Architecture (GMA), Super VAN is customizable to meet the multifaceted requirements of different urban transportation scenarios. The GMA supports the development of different models to serve a variety of functions, such as urban cargo van, autonomous cargo hold, delivery robot carrier, RV, online hailed-car, etc.


As the leading new energy commercial vehicle brand in China, Farizon is developing a strategic global layout to meet foreign demands. At present, a variety of Farizon’s new energy commercial vehicles, including vans, light trucks and small trucks, have been exported to countries in Asia-Pacific, South America and the Middle East. Farizon also plans to enter the European market in the near future. By gradually establishing a compliance development system for export products, while setting up localized R&D centers, knocked down (KD) factories and operational branches, Farizon is committed to becoming the No. 1 exporter of new energy commercial vehicles in 2027. 




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