中联重科推数字化支付平台 / Zoomlion Goes Digital; Launches Payment Platform

慧聪工程机械网   2023-08-02 13:44   来源: 迦纳术略  作者: 迦纳术略




在阿克拉进行的发射列车从Madina Zongo路口开始,经过Atomic Junction,Legon,Okponglo,Shiashie Dzorwulu路口,Apenkwa,Tesano 到 Abeka Junction,然后继续前往 Kwame Nkrumah Circle,最后移至阿克拉中心(AMA办事处)。

活动中,身着中联重科白色T恤字样 “改变你的博拉风格” 的年轻男女们纷纷向大家展示,他们分发了包含新数字应用程序信息的传单,同时教育加纳人如何使用该应用程序在舞蹈中支付 “borla” 账单。

中联重科私人服务董事总经理 Edwin Amoako 先生在发布会上表示,客户所需要的只是拥有一部电话,这样他们就可以拨打 *858#,选择选项2进行废物支付,输入您的客户 ID,输入金额,然后按发送。

Amoako 先生表示,在环境可持续性处于个人和企业对话前沿的时代,中联重科认识到需要有效且无喧嚣的废物管理解决方案,以满足客户的特定需求。

他说,这导致了一个多方面的数字支付解决方案的制定,以鼓励他们的客户 “改变他们的 Borla 风格”,并采用这个数字化的新时代及其众多好处。


“我们通过一系列数字解决方案来做到这一点,这些解决方案通过 USSD 代码*857#,中联重科应用程序和 Borla Taxi 应用程序在 Apple IOS 和 Google Play 商店中找到。” 他说。

Amoako 先生表示,新应用程序将为迄今为止支付渠道有限的客户和客户带来轻松,便利和安心。





“我们将继续不懈地追求创新,结合我们在该国废物管理方面的丰富经验,为我们这一代人和我们后代建立一个更好,更清洁的加纳。” 他坚持表示,中联重科将继续不惜一切代价,通过采用环境可持续的手段,改善人们的生活和环境。

阿克拉市长伊丽莎白·萨基(Elizabeth Sackey)女士对中联重科的倡议表示赞赏,并表示,如果我们都欢迎被称为 “twea na yenfa wo borla”的 新数字平台形式,加纳将成为一个更好的地方。




Zoomlion Goes Digital; Launches Payment Platform to Improve Customer Service

Zoomlion-Private Services Limited, a leading waste management company in Sub-Saharan Africa has launched a digital payment platform that will help the company and its customers transact business through an efficient and cashless system.

The digital payment options are strategically aimed at easing payment for customers and leveraging the power of technology to deliver improved services based on deep understanding of their clients across the country.

This platform is also focused at promoting responsible waste management practices in the communities here in Ghana.

The launching train which took place in Accra started at Madina Zongo Junction and moved through to Atomic Junction, Legon, Okponglo, Shiashie Dzorwulu Junction, Apenkwa, Tesano to Abeka Junction and continue to Kwame Nkrumah Circle before finally moving to Accra Central (AMA office).

The event was made colorful with young men and women in Zoomlion white t-shirt inscription ‘Change your borla style,’ who distributed fliers containing information about the new digital app and at the same time educating Ghanaians on how to use the app to pay ‘borla’ bills amidst dancing.

Speaking during the launch, the Managing Director of Zoomlion Private Services, Mr. Edwin Amoako, said all what the customers need is to have a phone and so they can dial *858#, select option 2 for waste payment, enter your customer ID, enter amount and press send.

Mr. Amoako said in an era where environmental sustainability is at the forefront of both individual and corporate conversations, Zoomlion recognizes the need for effective and hustle free waste management solutions that addresses specific needs of their clients.

This, he said has resulted in the crafting of a multi-faceted digital payment solutions to encourage their customers to ”Change their Borla style” and adopt this new era of digitization along with it’s numerous benefits.

“To meet the digital drive and agenda, Zoomlion, has therefore, introduced an innovative suite of digital payment solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of modern businesses, whilst addressing the needs of the average customer across the nation.

“We do this through a bouquet of digital solutions available via, USSD code *857#, Zoomlion Application and Borla Taxi App found on Apple IOS and Google play Store,” he stated.

Mr. Amoako said the new App will bring ease, convenience and peace of mind to clients and customers who hitherto, had limited avenues for payment.

“For the next few months, both new and existing clients of Zoomlion who use any of our digital platforms to pay for their residential and corporate waste management services in advance will enjoy many benefits including discounts and other added value services (T&Cs Apply).

He urged Ghanaians to look out for more alliances with other payment portals and services all in the bid to serve clients better.

As a result of this digitalization drive, new and existing clients of Zoomlion will now enjoy real-time data analytics to track and monitor payments and back, multiple platforms to make payments (Smart Phone, analog, IOS or Android), on-demand waste management services (Terms and conditions apply) and easy and instant access to Zoomlion for complaints, requests, suggestions and feedback.

The launch of this digital payment services reaffirms Zoomlion’s position as a leader in the end to end integrated environmental sanitation space, committed to providing exceptional services to its clients.

“We will continue the relentless pursuit of innovation, combined with our vast experience in waste management in the country to build a better and cleaner Ghana for our generation and the ones after us,” he maintained.

He said Zoomlion will continue to improve people’s lives and their environment at all cost through the use of environmentally sustainable means.

The Mayor of Accra, Mrs. Elizabeth Sackey lauded Zoomlion for the initiative and said that Ghana will be a better place if we all welcome the new digital platform form dubbed “twea na yenfa wo borla.”

I’m here today to applaud this exercise by Zoomlion because borla is destroying our society.

This is in line with the ongoing digital agenda,” she stated.

Mrs. Sackey said when she took over as a mayor, the Accra Metropolitan Assembly started an initiative to stop Ghanaians from dumping garbage into drains ‘so pay for us to pick your borla is a laudable idea’.

来源:B & FT Online





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