
慧聪工程机械网   2024-03-26 09:52   来源:柳工国际


Holcim is expanding its electric fleet with the deployment of 600 new

LiuGong machines, including wheel loaders, excavators and trucks. Holcim is a

global leader in innovative and sustainable building solutions with net sales of

CHF 27 billion in 2023.


Holcim purchased the first LiuGong electric wheel loaders in 2021 and the

machines are now in use across Holcim’s Ready-Mix operations. Their high battery

capacity of more than 400 kilowatt hours and an efficient electric drive system

allow the loaders to run for more than a full shift of 8 hours. This capacity

can be extended further through the use of opportunity-charging between shifts

or during breaks.



“On our mission to decarbonize building, we are scaling up sustainable and

efficient transportation across our operations. This new fleet of zero-emission

vehicles is advancing our goal of cutting 30% of Scope 1 emissions by 2030,”

said Rajesh Surana, Chief Procurement Officer, Holcim.


LiuGong is committed to contributing to a sustainable future and becoming

the industry leader and a global innovator in electrification technology. From

the research and development of intelligent electric products in 2014, LiuGong

can now provide a complete set of electric equipment solutions for construction

and mining applications. LiuGong's electric equipment has been successfully

promoted in China, ASEAN, Europe, North America, and India, which features in

safety, green, high efficiency, excellent reliability, various adaptability and

easy maintenance.



With 22 years’ sincere cooperation, Holcim and LiuGong have established

trust and wish to further strengthen bilateral effective cooperation for future

needs and establish long-term business partnership for bilateral benefits and

market growth. “Continuing our fruitful business partnership with Holcim with

the deployment of 600 LiuGong electric units is a joint effort to achieve

Holcim’s – and the wider construction industry’s – decarbonization goals and

contribute to a sustainable future,” said Luo Guobing, Senior Vice President of





  • 挖掘机械
  • 铲土运输
  • 起重机械
  • 混凝土
  • 压实机械
  • 路面机械
  • 桩工机械
  • 工业车辆
  • 高空作业
  • 凿岩机械
  • 掘进机械
  • 农业机械


机主邦 帮机主 让机主不孤单



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