Volvo IT和Skandia集团合作签定经营协议

慧聪工程机械网   2005-03-15 15:19   来源:慧聪工程机械网

AB Volvo的子公司Volvo IT接管了负责Skandia保险公司计算机主机的工作。这项经营协议的有效期为3年,执行范围包括IT操作,技术支持,数据保存,系统监控和数据通信。

AB Volvo的子公司Volvo IT接管了负责Skandia保险公司计算机主机的工作。这项经营协议的有效期为3年,执行范围包括IT操作,技术支持,数据保存,系统监控和数据通信。

Skandia的计算机主机负责运行整个北欧地区的商业系统。现在这个整套系统的运行环境已经转移到了Volvo IT一个位于深山里的北欧最大的数据中心之一的Göteborg。

Volvo IT最大的客户群体是汽车制造业,但是其他行业的客户也在逐年增长。

“我们将与Skandia的这个经营协议,看作是我公司开放合作和有效协调利用IT资源的一个成功经营模式。”Volvo IT的首席执行官Ulf Nillsson说。

“Volvo IT能够提供我们所需要的资源并且双方能够达成更深层次的理解支持”Skandia集团负责全球IT的副总裁Gert Engman说。


Volvo IT signs operating agreement with Skandia

AB Volvo's subsidiary Volvo IT has taken over responsibility for the Skandia insurance company's mainframe computers. The agreement will run for three years and covers IT operation,technical support,data storage,system monitoring and data communication.

Skandia's mainframe computers run business systems used throughout the Nordic region and must be available 24/7. The entire mainframe computer environment is now being moved to Volvo IT in G?teborg,which has one of the Nordic region's largest data centers located deep in a mountain.

Volvo IT's largest customers are in the auto industry but the number of customers in other industries has increased in recent years.

"We see the Skandia agreement as a success for our business model which means open cooperation and effective coordination of IT resources at major companies," says Volvo IT's CEO,Ulf Nilsson.

"Volvo IT can supply the resources we need and build their relationship with us on a deep understanding of our requirements," says Skandia's deputy CEO,Gert Engman,who is globally responsible for IT issues at the Group.

Skandia is located in around 20 countries and listed on the stock exchanges in Stockholm,London and Frankfurt.




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