“Made in Hunan”Achieving in the Construction over Mackenzie River of Canada

慧聪工程机械网   2008-11-13 15:05   来源:慧聪工程机械网

SUNWARDSA20/70S102rotarydrillingrig 点击此处查看全部新闻图片 Recently,good news has been delivered from Yellowknife,a city in the northwest province of Canada. It is that the SA20/70 rotary drilling



Recently,good news has been delivered from Yellowknife,a city in the northwest province of Canada. It is that the SA20/70 rotary drilling rig developed by Hunan SUNWARD Intelligent Machinery Co.,Ltd. from China performs very well in the pile foundation construction of cablestay bridge over the Mackenzie River in Fort Providence. The outstanding performance in construction has been appreciated unanimously by the construction units.

The SUNWARD SA20/70S102 rotary drilling rig takes part in the pile foundation construction of cablestay bridge over the Mackenzie River in Fort Providence of Yellowknife city in a northwest province of Canada after completion of a series of key projects in USA. The construction company selected the SUNWARD rotary drilling rig which is from Hunan with mark of “Made in China”upon abundant investigation of various brands. The SUNWARD rotary drilling rig has been applied to complete most job of the pile fundamental construction in the project. The bridge adopts cable stay structure with 8 piles. Each pile shall have 350 (96 surrounding and 254 central) holes of 24 inches drilled by rotary drilling rig. Each hole is allocated with GPS with precision of 25mm. After drilling,the surrounding holes are piled with steel sheet by vibrohammer to build a cofferdam,the central part is constructed as pile hole with percussion clamshell,and then a fundamental bearing platform will be built with monolithic concrete. The above construction is almost all performed on water. The advantage of steady performance of the SUNWARD rotary drilling rig has been shown completely in the narrow space and specific environment.

Yellowknife city,with the Mackenzie River running through,is the capital of the northwest region of Canada. The government has planned to build up a bridge over the river to connect the banks. It is less than 400km to the Arctic Circle. Though it is just in September,the weather is very cold. According to the local officer in charge of onsite construction,the river starts to freeze by the end of October,and unfreezes till the end of April in the next year. Therefore,the pile fundamental construction should be completed before freezing,and then to carry on the river level work. The task of construction is urgent. But he expresses full confidence with application of the SUNWARD rotary drilling rig in construction with excellent performance and guaranteed service.

The Mackenzie River is the second longest river in the North America,only next to Mississippi. It is also the largest river in Canada and the largest river in the world running through the tundra region in the North Pole. The river is originated from the north of British Columbia province with entire length of 4,240km.




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