科尼集团继续向Mexico Natie供货

慧聪工程机械网   2017-04-07 10:37   来源:慧聪工程机械网

140多年来,Mexico Natie始终处于安特卫普货物处理与储藏业务的核心地位。2010以来,该公司使用科尼叉车来处理与储藏与日俱增的货物。最近,Mexico Natie确认了再次购入8台叉车的订单,预计将于2017年4月交货。这将使

140多年来,Mexico Natie始终处于安特卫普货物处理与储藏业务的核心地位。2010以来,该公司使用科尼叉车来处理与储藏与日俱增的货物。最近,Mexico Natie确认了再次购入8台叉车的订单,预计将于2017年4月交货。这将使其科尼叉车车队的叉车数量增至20台。

新的叉车将在安特卫普港、欧洲第二大海港740海港第5海港码头以及蓝星码头投入使用,从而在这三个不同的码头增加Mexico Natie的处理产能。从集装箱、钢卷、板条箱到其他各类散装货物,叉车将处理各类货物,包括装卸集装箱。

Mexico Natie的叉车订单包括长轴距与短轴距叉车车型。短轴距叉车适用于紧密的区域,例如仓库与狭窄的码头,因为其拥有无与伦比的机动性。Mexico Natie的总裁Marc Ivens解释道:“我们拥有16万平方米的仓库区域,依赖于科尼的短轴距叉车才能快速、安全、高效地处理货物。我们对叉车的出色设计与卓越性能留下了深入印象——我们认为,科尼叉车是市场中最出色的叉车。”

此次订购2台正面吊与6台叉车的订单中还包括一台SMV 17-1200 C型号叉车(配备科尼集团的先进箱式底盘且拥有17吨载荷能力)、一座重型起升门架以及一个加固货架。科尼将为所有新型叉车配备多个额外的LED照明灯,从而确保更为安全的夜间操作。所有叉车还将配备定制的快速更换系统,从而使Mexico Natie能够使用现有附件,并便捷的在附件之间进行切换。

Heavy Handling是科尼叉车的比利时经销商,MexicoNatie对其专业的售后服务印象深刻。在Heavy Handling负责科尼重型叉车销售业务的Pieter Sanczuk总结道:“凭借我们的优质服务与售后可靠性,我们与Mexico Natie保持着紧密、长久的合作关系。我们珍视该公司给予我们的信赖,并期待在比利时叉车业务领域再创辉煌。”


科尼是世界领先的起重机专业制造商(Lifting Businesses™),所服务的客户范围广大,包括制造业和流程工业、造船厂、港口和码头。科尼公司提供能够增强生产能力的起重解决方案,以及为所有品牌起重设备提供维修保养服务。集团在50个国家开设了600个分支机构,员工达18000人。科尼A类股已在赫尔辛基的纳斯达克证券交易所上市。(股票代码:KCR)


Mexico Natie has been at the heart of Antwerp’s cargo handling and storage business for over 140 years. Since 2010,the company has used Konecranes lift trucks to handle and store an ever-growing amount of cargo every year. Mexico Natie recently confirmed an order of another eight lift trucks,due for delivery in April 2017. This will bring their fleet of Konecranes lift trucks to twenty machines.

The new machines will increase Mexico Natie’s handling capacity at three different terminals in the Port of Antwerp,Europe’s second-largest seaport: Port 740,5th harbour dock,and Blue Star terminal. The machines will handle all kinds of cargo,from containers to steel coils,crates and various other break bulk goods,including stuffing and stripping in and out of containers.

Mexico Natie’s lift truck order includes both long and short wheel-based lift truck models. Machines with a short wheelbase are ideal for tight spaces such as warehouses and narrow quays,as they have exceptional manoeuvrability. Marc Ivens,CEO of Mexico Natie,explains,“We have 160 000 m2 in warehousing space and rely on Konecranes short wheelbase lift trucks to handle cargo quickly,safely and efficiently. We remain impressed with the machines’ powerful design and performance - in our opinion Konecranes lift trucks are the very best machines on the market.”

The order for two reach stackers and six forklifts,also includes a SMV 17-1200 C which is a 17 ton capacity forklift with Konecranes’ state-of-the-art box type chassis,a special heavy-duty lift mast and a reinforced carriage. Konecranes will customize all the new lift trucks with multiple extra LED lights to enable safer night-time operations. All forklifts also come with a customized quick-release system,allowing Mexico Natie to use its existing attachments and change between them easily.

Heavy Handling is the Konecranes distributor in Belgium,and they have continued to impress Mexico Natie with their dedicated after-market service. Pieter Sanczuk,responsible for Konecranes sales at Heavy Handling concludes,“We have a strong and long-lasting relationship with Mexico Natie,built around our service and after sales reliability. We appreciate the trust they have put in us,and look forward to making another significant lift truck delivery in Belgium.”

For More Information,Visit www.kclifttrucks.com

About Konecranes

Konecranes is a world-leading group of Lifting Businesses™,serving a broad range of customers,including manufacturing and process industries,shipyards,ports and terminals. Konecranes provides productivity enhancing lifting solutions as well as services for lifting equipment of all makes. The Group has 18,000 employees at 600 locations in 50 countries. Konecranes class A shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki (symbol: KCR).




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