
慧聪工程机械网   2024-03-21 09:13   来源:柳工国际


On March 20, 2024, LiuGong signed a strategic cooperation agreement with

Tsingshan Holding Group. Zeng Guang'an, Chairman & CEO of LiuGong, Huang

Haibo, Vice Chairman of LiuGong, Luo Guobing, Senior Vice President of LiuGong,

the principals of LiuGong R&D and overseas marketing, Xiang Guangda,

Chairman of Tsingshan Industrial Board, Wu Huadi, President of Enternal

Tsingshan Group, Hu Xiaodong and Feng Ting, Chairman and Vice President of

Enternal Tsingshan Technology Group, as well as many other guests attended the

singing ceremony.


LiuGong and Tsingshan Holding Group have formed a broad cooperation

foundation in recent years. After the signing of this agreement, the two sides

will carry out deeper and wider cooperation in the entire product line, entire

value chain and global business, especially new energy business, forming a

far-reaching win-win situation.


Established in 2004, Tsingshan Industrial is the largest nickel mining

processing and production base invested by Chinese enterprises in Indonesia. It

was surrounded by world-class lateritic nickel ore resources. Nickel-iron

industry as raw materials has been introduced there and related industries such

as the production of ternary battery materials for new energy vehicles will also

be introduced there. As a processing and production base for nickel alloy

refining and primary materials for new energy industries, Tsingshan Industrial

supplies raw materials to related industries worldwide.


LiuGong Indonesia began to cooperate with Tsingshan Holding Group in April

2021. So far, it has provided nearly 1,000 complete units of equipment to serve

the two parks of Tsingshan IMIP and IWIP. At the same time, LiuGong Indonesia

dispatched a professional on-site service team (both Chinese and Indonesian) and

provided millions of spare parts to ensure the normal operation of the project

site, serving more than 50 customers and accumulating more than 3,000 times of



In April, 2021, LiuGong Indonesia put into trial operation of electric

wheel loaders in Tsingshan IMIP Park. This was the first time that LiuGong

electric products has been promoted in overseas markets. In 2023, Tsingshan

Holding Group introduced more LiuGong electric wheel loaders to meet the demand

of a whole ferronickel production line. Up to now, the electric wheel loaders

have been performing well and have been highly recognized by Tsingshan Holding



The comprehensive cooperation between LiuGong and Tsingshan Holding Group

is in line with LiuGong's corporate philosophy of "Empower People with

Intelligent, Green Machinery". In the future, the two sides will carry out more

in-depth cooperation in the promotion of electric products, make greater

contributions to the development of electric products in the market.




  • 挖掘机械
  • 铲土运输
  • 起重机械
  • 混凝土
  • 压实机械
  • 路面机械
  • 桩工机械
  • 工业车辆
  • 高空作业
  • 凿岩机械
  • 掘进机械
  • 农业机械


机主邦 帮机主 让机主不孤单



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