2月20日至23日,拉美最盛大的越野摩托大赛Enduro del Verano 2025在阿根廷Villa Gesell激情上演。柳工阿根廷经销商ZMG作为赛事赞助商,调派920E挖掘机精心打造专业赛道,助力1,300多辆越野摩托车在黄沙中飞驰,为观众呈现了一场速度与激情的盛宴。
From February 20 to 23, Enduro del Verano 2025, Latin America’s largest
off-road motorcycle event took place in Villa Gesell, Argentina. As an event
sponsor, LiuGong’s Argentine dealer ZMG deployed its 920E excavator to craft a
professional track, enabling over 1,300 off-road motorcycles and quadricycles to
race across the sand.
ZMG stated that it will continue to work alongside LiuGong to support local
sports events, foster deeper integration between engineering machinery and
sports culture, and help more young people pursue their sports dreams.