
慧聪工程机械网   2025-03-19 14:01   来源:中国日报  作者:马思



Q1: What are your expectations for the ongoing two sessions? Do you expect any specific policy measures for further deepening reforms and expanding high-level opening-up? What more should China do to create a more enabling business environment for foreign investors?

Q1: 您对即将召开的两会有哪些期待?您期待政府出台哪些进一步深化改革和扩大高水平对外开放的具体政策措施?您认为中国还应采取哪些举措,以优化外资企业的营商环境?

MA: The recently released 2025 Action Plan for Stabilizing Foreign Investment is also a strong signal of China’s firm commitment to high-standard opening-up. We’re eager to see the detailed supporting measures and timelines that will facilitate the full implementation of the plan.

The action plan requires the implementation of full abolition of foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing sector. In terms of personnel exchanges, we also seek more relaxed policies for foreign talents in China, such as longer and more convenient work visas and residence permits, and a streamlined talent introduction process to help MNCs attract top global talent.

Sweden was the first Western country to establish diplomatic ties with China. We propose that China can grant the unilateral visa-free policy for Sweden, a move that would significantly boost business confidence and catalyze deeper economic cooperation between the two nations. We expect a fair and competitive business environment secured by institutional guarantees. It would further boost MNCs’ confidence in, and commitment to, China.

马军: 中国政府近日发布的《2025年稳外资行动方案》(下称“《方案》”)也是中国进一步扩大高水平对外开放的坚定承诺。我们期待看到更详细的配套措施和实施规划,确保相关政策全面落实。



Q2: What are your expectations for the ongoing two sessions? Do you expect any specific policy measures for further deepening reforms and expanding high-level opening-up? What more should China do to create a more enabling business environment for foreign investors?

Q2: 您对即将召开的两会有哪些期待?您期待政府出台哪些进一步深化改革和扩大高水平对外开放的具体政策措施?您认为中国还应采取哪些举措,以优化外资企业的营商环境?

MA: At Volvo Group, we aim to drive prosperity through sustainable transport and infrastructure solutions. The business transformation we are experiencing in both transportation and infrastructure sectors is perfectly aligned with China’s top agenda for new quality productive forces, as both emphasize innovation-driven and green development.

We are committed to leading the industrial transition toward electrification, and we are doing this with an international setup, with China being an important part of our strategy. Through our R&D Center in Jinan and production base in Shanghai, Volvo CE has launched a range of electrified equipment which helped expand our new energy product lineup in both Chinese and international markets.

Volvo Group is also actively contributing to China’s circular economy goals. In 2023, soon after Premier Li Qiang’s visit to our remanufacturing center in Shanghai, we successfully completed China’s first import order for remanufactured engines. This year, we will take a step further and initiate a pilot program for bonded remanufacturing operations in China. This initiative seeks to enhance our role in the circular economy, underscoring our commitment to innovative and environmentally responsible business practices.

马军: 在沃尔沃集团, 我们致力于通过可持续的交通运输和基础设施解决方案推动社会繁荣。目前,我们正在经历交通运输和基础设施领域的业务转型,这与中国“新质生产力”的顶层议程不谋而合,都非常强调创新驱动和绿色发展



Q3: DeepSeek has been a buzzword and surprised the world starting this year. AI technology has been deeply integrated with various industries around the world. What opportunities do you foresee for your business from AI technology? What’s your view on China’s ability to sustain innovation in breakthrough technologies in the coming years?

Q3: DeepSeek是今年全球关注的热门产品,AI技术正深度融入各行各业。您认为AI技术将为贵公司带来哪些机遇?您对中国在未来持续推动突破性技术创新的能力有何看法?

MA: AI’s transformative power aligns perfectly with Volvo Group’s mission—to drive prosperity through transport and infrastructure solutions and create a better world for us and future generations. At Volvo Group, we see great potential in AI and fully embrace new technologies. We have now deployed AI across our operations, using it to optimize costs, enhance efficiency, expand markets, driving innovation that adds real business value.

At the same time, we prioritize responsible AI governance to ensure its secure, scalable, and ethical deployment.

We see great potential in China’s AI growth. With its vast market and diverse application scenarios, China provides a unique space for AI innovation. I look forward to seeing more creative AI solutions in the transport and infrastructure sectors, to help further reduce logistics costs and support sustainable development in China and globally.

马军: 人工智能所推动的变革与沃尔沃集团的使命高度一致——通过交通运输和基础设施解决方案推动社会繁荣,为我们和子孙后代创造更加美好的世界。沃尔沃集团看好人工智能的巨大潜力,并积极拥抱新技术。目前,我们已经在各业务环节中部署了人工智能,运用它来优化成本、提高效率、拓展市场、推动具有商业价值的创新。



Q4: Driving domestic consumption is one of the top priorities for China to spur economic growth this year. How do you see China’s potential to drive a consumption-led impetus for the economy? How will that affect your company’s profitability this year?

Q4: 今年,中国将扩大内需作为促进经济增长的核心任务之一。您如何看待中国推动消费驱动型经济增长的潜力?贵公司今年的盈利情况会因此受到哪些影响?

MA: We believe logistics development will propel China’s consumption-driven economy into high gear. Volvo Group’s energy-efficient heavy-duty truck portfolio and digital logistics solutions remain key enablers of this industrial revolution.

Last year, government policies accelerated local bond issuance and optimized funding allocation, which in turn boosted infrastructure investment significantly and fueled economic growth.

Volvo Group will continue to drive industry transformation through electrification, automation, and connectivity, delivering competitive products and integrated solutions, to advance high-quality infrastructure development in the country.

马军: 我们相信,物流的发展将有力推动中国消费驱动型经济迈向更高水平。沃尔沃集团高效的重卡产品组合和数字化物流解决方案,仍然是推动行业变革的重要驱动力。



Q5: As China continues to pursue high-quality development along a Chinese path to modernization, what opportunities do you anticipate for your business as this process gains more traction? Will you increase investment in China in the coming years? How will you further expand your footprint in China?

Q5: 随着中国在中国式现代化道路上持续推进高质量发展,贵公司将迎来哪些新的发展机遇?未来几年,贵公司是否会加大在中国的投资?将如何拓展在中国的业务布局?

MA: Volvo Group has been at the forefront of transforming transportation and infrastructure to be more sustainable, safe, and efficient, not only in Europe but also around the world.

With over 30 years in China, we’ve built a unique innovation ecosystem; for instance, for our Volvo Construction Equipment business that blends global expertise with local insights. Our Jinan R&D Center is a great example, where we mix global know-how with the needs of the local market to deliver tailored solutions for our diverse clients.

Moving forward, Volvo Group will continue to harness our strengths to align global resources with China’s innovation and productivity advantages, to offer more products and services that are safer, cleaner and more efficient, to support our client’s success and the sustainable development of the industry.

马军: 长期以来,在欧洲乃至全球范围,沃尔沃集团始终站在引领交通运输与基础设施行业向更加可持续、更安全与更高效转型的前沿阵地。






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