GENMA-KALMAR快速交付、积极响应 东非客户给予高度评价

慧聪工程机械网   2025-03-21 11:41   来源:GENMA Solutions


客户赞扬道,“他们不仅在规定时间内完成了任务,还保证了每一台设备的高质量和高精度。”从设计、制造,再到最终的安装调试,GENMA-KALMAR严格遵循国际标准,确保每一台RTG都能安全、高效地运行。设备的各项性能指标均达到了甚至超过了预期,为客户提供了可靠的保障。 我们的项目管理团队在整个项目过程中展现了卓越的专业知识和解决问题的能力。“面对各种挑战,我们的团队始终能够迅速反应,找到最佳解决方案。”项目经理表示。无论是协调复杂的物流安排,还是应对现场突发的技术难题,GENMA-KALMAR的项目经理都能够灵活应变,确保项目的顺利进行。

此次成功交付不仅赢得了客户的高度评价,也为双方未来的合作奠定了坚实基础。“GENMA-KALMAR的高效交付和卓越品质使我们的码头运营更加顺畅。”客户说道,“我们期待与GENMA-KALMAR的深入合作,持续提升码头运营效率。” 未来,GENMA-KALMAR将继续致力于为全球客户提供优质的港口机械设备和服务,助力更多港口实现高效、可持续的发展。

GENMA-KALMAR has received high praise from customer SGTD for its rapid deployment of 10RTGs within a compressed six-month timeframe. Despite tight deadlines, GENMA-KALMAR delivered fully compliant equipment that surpassed operational expectations, earning commendation for its unwavering commitment to quality and precision.

"GENMA-KALMAR not only met the project deadline but also upheld rigorous international standards, ensuring each RTG operates with peak efficiency and reliability," SGTD highlighted. The customer further noted the team’s agility in overcoming logistical complexities and technical challenges, emphasizing seamless collaboration from design to commissioning. The project’s success is attributed to GENMA-KALMAR’s rigorous adherence to global benchmarks and its proactive problem-solving approach. "Our experts swiftly addressed challenges to maintain progress, ensuring smooth execution every step of the way," stated the project manager. "We look forward to future collaborations." SGTD added.

GENMA-KALMAR reaffirms its dedication to delivering cutting-edge port machinery and services, empowering customers worldwide to achieve operational excellence. By prioritizing quality, reliability, and customer-centric support, the company remains at the forefront of sustainable port solutions.




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